Working out for everyone is hard work but for me getting fit again after having cancer and having my neck/back problems was extremely difficult. Mainly due to fear of doing something wrong or high impact and affecting my neck, so finding work outs that I could do and enjoy was not easy.
I had to try a few different classes and slowly build up the amount of sessions I did a week, at first it was not enjoyable or easy.
I tried the following things…
Jiving (Dancing)
Hour Of Power
After trying these things I realised that running, piloxing and swimming weren’t comfortable, running and piloxing were too high impact and swimming I could only swim back crawl without affecting my neck.
So Jiving, Zumba, Pilates and Hour of Power became my favourites and my routine while also going for long walks at the weekends and increasing my endurance and hopefully reducing how easily I got tired. I’m not going to lie it took a few months before I started to enjoy it but I did I finally enjoyed it again. Hard work but fun and I could see definition coming in my legs and my arms next I was aiming for my stomach and shoulders.
Annoying thing is the place I want to get strong, my neck and shoulders and chest is the thing I have the most trouble getting muscles to as I can’t do push ups or pull ups, I have to be super careful with sit ups and careful with whatever moves I do with my upper body. At some point when I feel I’m at a somewhat fit level I may consider getting a PT for a while to find out what other things I can do to improve my upper body but for now it’s just a slow process.